The Great Catholic Boycott

Recent days have seen Catholics take a stand against the Dodgers when the baseball franchise decided to “honor” the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a drag queen troop that offers money to charity while simultaneously mocking the Catholic Church, religious sisters, and blaspheming our Lord Jesus Christ. Enough is enough! They shouted, while marching in protest to the stadium itself, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, in the Month of the Sacred Heart, the very day the Dodgers chose to offend the entire Catholic world. All of this is couched in larger and secular boycotts against Anheuser-Busch (the makers of Bud Light), Target, The North Face, Disney, and a host of other companies that have embrace the Woke-Pride agenda to the detriment of our children and society as a whole. This is the result of overreach by the promoters of the alphabet (LGBTQI+) grooming agenda. The general population has had enough of it, and we’re starting to see a pushback. This is just the beginning.

It would be easy for me to simply blog in support of these boycotts here, and I do fully support them, but that’s not the reason for this blog. I am proposing another kind of boycott, and for me it’s nothing new. I’ve been encouraging this for five years now, ever since the Catholic “Summer of Shame” in 2018.

Today, as I write this, the bishop of Tyler, Texas is being investigated by the Vatican in what is called an Apostolic Visitation. His crime? What did he do wrong? It’s really very simple. He got “too uppity.” Bishop Joseph Edward Strickland has spent the last few years encouraging Catholics to fully embrace their Catholic Faith in a way not seen since the pre-conciliar period. He’s publicly chastised heretics in the Catholic Church, such as Fr. James Martin SJ, called on Rome to adhere to the Apostolic Deposit of Faith, come out strongly against abortion and the alphabet agenda, and the final straw was this. He dared to march in support of Catholics at Dodger Stadium, over 1,500 miles away from his home in Tyler, while the bishops of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles failed to show up, or even offer a blessing from the cathedral. Bishop Strickland is an example of what an American bishop should look like, but instead of honoring +Strickland, Rome sends him an Apostolic Visitation to scrutinize him and see if they can discover a reason, any reason, no matter how small or manufactured, to boot him out of his ministry.

This is how Rome works now, under Pope Francis. It was bad before Pope Francis, but now, under his reign of terror, this pope who throws temper tantrums behind closed doors (yes, I have verified accounts of this from people who have seen it first hand), has created such an atmosphere of fear and hostility in the Catholic Church, that any bishop who dares to get “too uppity” will be given a reprimand that I fear will soon be named after the good bishop of Tyler, Texas — The Strickland Treatment. Rome will investigate him, audit him, and use whatever it can to discipline him, censure him, and ultimately remove him from ministry. This is how Rome works now under Pope Francis.

So, in expectation of the inevitable, I am reiterating what I have been saying for five years. It’s time for a Great Catholic Boycott. The sexual-abuse crisis that brought us former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick (now defrocked) was based on the embrace of homosexuality in the Church hierarchy. Last week, during “Pride Month” in Rome, the Vatican brought us a veiled “Pride” exposition of encouraging people, particularly children, to “embrace being different” (whatever that’s supposed to mean), and during this expo, while children watched in attendance, the Vatican provided a famously homosexual man to perform a dance for them while half naked. McCarrick was laicized for homosexually abusing children. Now the pope exposes children to homosexuality right in the center of the Vatican.

It should be no surprise, and the pattern should be crystal clear now, except for the willfully blind. Pope Francis exposes children to half-naked homosexuals while he simultaneously disciplines an American bishop for daring to stand up against the homosexualist agenda. If the pope is not himself gay, he is at least defending and promoting the gay agenda.

For this flagrant embrace of homosexual PRIDE, I am calling upon all Catholics once again to financially boycott all Church institutions that fail to embrace and promote the full and complete Catholic Faith, most especially those that are soft toward the alphabet (LGBTQI+) grooming agenda, particularly those that have harbored and protected sexual abusers.

Now, I would never tell Catholics to break Canon Law. It is the teaching of the Church, and the law of the Church, that Catholics must materially support the Church in some way. However, Canon Law nowhere says you must give money to YOUR parish or YOUR diocese. You can pick and choose. You have options. You’re not locked into the pattern of giving that was normal for our parents and grandparents. Nobody is required to give to Peter’s Pence. So don’t. Nobody is required to give to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). So don’t.

We are free to give to the Church in more creative ways.

If you know of a particular parish or diocese where the Catholic Faith is truly being taught, the alphabet agenda is not being promoted, and the bishop is not covering up sexual abuse, send all your tithes and donations there instead, even if this parish or diocese is not your own. Likewise there are Catholic organizations you can give to that work hard to promote an authentically Catholic Faith, and do not cover for abusers. The list I will provide below is by no means exhaustive. I’m sure many of you will have more suggestions. Feel free to include them in the comments section below.

The Great Catholic Boycott isn’t just about depriving clerical abusers and heretics of our money. It’s also about using our money wisely to promote authentic Catholicism…

Shane Schaetzel is an author of Catholic books and an Evangelical convert to the Catholic Church through Anglicanism. His articles have been featured on LifeSiteNews, The Remnant Newspaper, Forward in Christ, and Catholic Online. You can read Shane’s books at ShaneSchaetzel.Com


  1. Give to Lifesite News! They are exposing all the rot in the Church beginning at the top.


  2. I think our church is imploding and I pray we can get back on track before God has had enough.


  3. I have watched ballet and danced ballet for years. I have also watched and followed Roberto Bolle for years. He is one of the most famous and talented male ballet dancers in the world, with a career spanning decades. Getting him to perform anywhere is an absolute treat and honour in the ballet world. I’m not sure if he even performs outside of Italy much, since his retirement of ABT. The performance he gave is exactly like many of his other performances, both classical and contemporary. There are plenty of classical and contemporary ballet roles where the man is shirtless. This is especially true for Robert because he’s famous for having an incredible physique.

    All this to say, that dance is not sexual or unusual for Roberto or ballet dancers at all, and I do not believe there is any secret intent to it. For those that don’t watch ballet, it is very common to misinterpret it. As for Roberto being gay, in all of my experience of following and watching him, he has never mentioned it. The only thing I have ever seen on his various social media sites has been about his performances. I have never once seen him mention anything slightly activist, only ballet. Also, you can’t swing a dead cat in a ballet without hitting a gay man, so it is very unlikely that a ballet performance would not include at least one of them.

    Michael Matt seems more to be making fun of the dance form, than actually proving the dance has anything to do with the gay agenda.


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