My Book on Catholic Apologetics

The paperback version of my book will be published on, or just after, the publication of the digital version this Sunday, November 22, 2020, the Solemnity of Christ the King. It will be available through Amazon and most major retailers. Local Catholic bookstores should be able to order this book for you as well.

I’ve intentionally kept the size of the paperback down to 8.5″ by 5.5″. This makes the book not much bigger than an adult hand, keeping it easy to store in a purse, bag or backpack. For me, portability is important. I know people like to travel with books, and being able to whip this thing out of some carry-on luggage, while waiting in an airport, or midway through a flight, is something I want my readers to easily do. Portability also plays an important role in planting this book with others, such as sharing it with a friend, family member, or passing it on to an acquaintance as a followup to evangelization.

I’ve also provided a detailed Table of Contents section (see photo above), making it possible to immediately turn to the page containing the question of interest, rather than having to thumb through a whole chapter searching for it. This book is designed for portability and ease of use. It’s not the kind of book you need to read cover-to-cover, though at under 200 pages, it’s small enough to get through in one evening. Rather, I’ve designed the book so you can skip to whatever page you want, depending on what questions you need answers for. This is the kind of book you can start in the middle, read backwards from end to beginning, or skip around as needed. You can order the book here.

The foreword is by Fr. Chori Seraiah, a priest of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, an English Patrimony jurisdiction within the Catholic Church, formerly called the “Anglican Use.” I’ve provided an excerpt here for further details…

When someone says that he left the Church, or that he does not want to be Catholic, it is important for us to seek to understand why. It is becoming more and more common that those reasons why are based on faulty perspectives and misrepresentations of the Catholic Church. Shane Schaetzel has helped us to overcome this problem. I met Shane Schaetzel before I was even Catholic, and now it is my joy to be his priest (God’s providence is always amazing, is it not?). I am happy to say that he has done a great work to help us spread the truth about the Catholic Church and her teachings. His book, Are Catholics Christian?, takes its place in the work of the growth of the Kingdom of God by clarifying what the Church really does, and does not, say.

Fr. Chori Jonathin Seraiah
St. George Catholic Church
Republic, Missouri

Are Catholics Christian? is designed to break down prejudices and misunderstandings about Catholic teaching, leveling the playing field, to make Catholic evangelization easier and more effective. Whether using it for yourself, or giving it to someone else, this book helps give Catholics an edge. You can order it here.

Shane Schaetzel is an author of Catholic books and an Evangelical convert to the Catholic Church through Anglicanism. His articles have been featured on LifeSiteNews, The Remnant Newspaper, Forward in Christ, and Catholic Online. You can read Shane’s books at ShaneSchaetzel.Com


  1. Thank you so much I would love to hold on to a copy because I want to preach here in my community.


  2. I am so excited abt your book as I’m planning my own ‘ministry’ and I’ve learnt a lot from you-am definitely getting this book. Thank you for the work that you do!


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